Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day 1 - Museums and the Web, MW2008 Opening Plenary

Michael Geist - Keynote speaker
Ottowa, Canada

Author of "In the Public Interest: The Future of Canadian Copyright Law"

So, this is the Internet in 2008:

PostSecret, in its book and gallery form
Lonelygirl15 on Youtube, and the old debate over whether it was a professional production or a girl's actual experiences (and consequently, )
Tetes a Claques in Canada

Flickr - passed the 2 billion photos mark, succeeded by Facebook

Creative Commons, Larry Lezig and the all rights reserved world

WikiTravel - local blogger consult in Montreal, 33,000 city destination guides, community and collaboratively created, and now using to make printed books for travelers to carry with them. Lagtime is one month for print guides, ordered online at lulu. awesome

Welcome to the Enclopedia of Life, ambitiously cataloging all life forms on the planet over the next ten years

Global Voices, started Ethan Zuckerman from Harvard

ReCaptcha, out of Carnegie Mellon

iOptOut - to complement the "do not call" list to create and manage to prevent polling companies from using your personal phone number, plus a place to post other places to do the same for mail

LibriVox - read a chapter or two and record in MP3 format to upload as an audiobook

MIT Open CourseWare - finished four years ahead of schedule, plus podcasts and webcasts
and the MIT Open CourseWare Consortia

Public Library of Science (PLOS) - Online journal publishing for people that go on to be Noble prize winners

Open Medicine - online open medicine journal to facilitate dissemination of high quality health research; to promote international dialogue and promote health

Google Book Search, Alouette Canada

JoomLa - Opensource software to manage content (firefox open source banner for the community)

Other presentations, McCord Museum and the 100,000 images online of early Canada

Public Broadcasters Search Engines - used by Canada's industry minister

BoingBoing, a directory of wonderful things by Cory Doctorow

YouTube Video - first political 1984 image of the Apple commercial of Hillary, but replaced by the President of Tunisia, created four years before the one that generated national attention

The Internet in 2018... Looking Ahead?

From a policy perspective, seven areas of change:
1. - broadband for all. the price of admission should be free and universal.
2. - network neutrality. no more focus on a multi-tiered structure that preferences content where you pay to play, or else find yourself on the slow lane. amazon and ebay have been most vocal about this issue.
3. - intermediary liability, and third-party content
4. - privacy, and ensuring that we have security bridge disclosure information
5. - fair dealing / fair use, and the balance between user and creator rights (over-protecting vs under-protecting that should be interpreted more broadly. for instance, parody is not covered.)
6. - digital rights management: and that DRMCA legislation in the US has a direct impact in our fair use rights, including reviews or printed criticisms and turns them into infringement offenses. This affects everybody.
7. - public domain, and not just talk the talk but walk the walk, as well. if we argue for on no more than a cost-recovery basis.

When we think about 2018, the government

Future keynote speakers that I'd like to see at MWW2008 is Henry Jenkins from MIT. He'd reframe the trope of checking the basal temperature of the internet in 2008 and explode it off the wall. And he'd actually frame opinions about why the things that are happening on the web are happening at all. I wonder why museums don't try and convince him to speak out into our territory more.

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